Ted Rosenbaum

Curriculum vitae

Deputy Director of Management and Research

Federal Trade Commission

Publications and Working Papers

Health Care Pricing

In the Shadow of Antitrust Enforcement: Price Effects of Hospital Mergers from 2009-2016

Keith Brand, Chris Garmon, Ted Rosenbaum

Accepted at the Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 66(4), 2023 Feb, pp. 639-669

Prices for Medical Services Vary Within Hospitals, but Vary More Across Them

Matthew Panhans, Ted Rosenbaum, Nathan E. Wilson

Medical Care Research and Review, vol. 78, 2021 Apr, pp. 157--172

Patient Demand for Hospitals

Using disaster-induced closures to evaluate discrete choice models of hospital demand

Devesh Raval, Ted Rosenbaum, Nathan E. Wilson

The RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 53, 2022, pp. 561--589

Why is Distance Important for Hospital Choice? Separating Home Bias From Transport Costs

Devesh Raval, Ted Rosenbaum

The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 69, 2021, pp. 338--368

How do machine learning algorithms perform in predicting hospital choices? evidence from changing environments

Devesh Raval, Ted Rosenbaum, Nathan E. Wilson

Journal of Health Economics, vol. 78, 2021 Jul, p. 102481

Why Do Previous Choices Matter for Hospital Demand? Decomposing Switching Costs from Unobserved Preferences

Devesh Raval, Ted Rosenbaum

The Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 100, 2018 Dec, pp. 906--915

A Semiparametric Discrete Choice Model: An Application to Hospital Mergers

Devesh Raval, Ted Rosenbaum, Steven A. Tenn

Economic Inquiry, vol. 55, 2017, pp. 1919--1944

Antitrust Policy

A review of the economic literature on cross-market health care mergers

Keith Brand, Ted Rosenbaum

Antitrust LJ, vol. 82, 2018, p. 533

Economics at the FTC: Horizontal Mergers and Data Security

Dan Hanner, Ginger Zhe Jin, Marc Luppino, Ted Rosenbaum

Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 49, 2016 Dec, pp. 613--631

Economic Geography

Improving Estimates of Transitions from Satellite Data: A Hidden Markov Model Approach

Adrian Torchiana, Ted Rosenbaum, Paul Scott, Eduardo Souza-Rodrigues

Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics, 2022


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